Wednesday, June 10, 2009

God gives us time...

I don't have much to say today, but it's been a while since I posted. This has been somewhat of a hard week, but I'm not sure why. I guess I am just missing Aaron and it seems like time is moving so slowly. I am trying so hard to enjoy this year, but I find myself just wanting to fast forward through this whole year. I keep thinking of that verse... this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I'm trying to be glad in each day God has given me, but I don't want today or tomorrow. I want May 1, 2010. It's like I am just waiting, not really living. I know this is something I will have to work out with myself. I don't want to feel like this for the next 11 months. I guess I need to just take one day at a time and not worry about the future. I have to trust God and have faith that He will bring us through this time.
I already feel better now that I have talked myself through this a little. Like I said, this blog is my therapy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today is Wednesday. I had two meetings at church this evening. I have to say, I am now a little stressed. I have several things to do this summer and now need to do even more. I'm not complaining, but sometimes I just want to hide under a rock for a while. This is one of those times. Which also makes me miss Aaron cause he always knows what to say to make me feel better and gives the best hugs! So tonight, I am feeling sorry for myself and having a pity party. It will pass, eventually. But one highlight of my day is that I got to talk to Aaron this morning! It was great and I'm always in a good mood after I talk to him, at least for a while. I'm already feeling better just venting a little. Before I go to bed, I'll journal and then I'll feel even a little more better. And I'm sure when I wake up tomorrow, I'll be over my pity party. Yeah for tomorrows! Yeah for weekends! Yeah for May 2010!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Memorial day now holds a special place in my heart this year since my fiance is currently deployed. I have the upmost respect for soldiers and their families, especially those who have lost their lives in battle. Thank you to everyone who has served and is currently serving in any branch of the military.
Today is Sunday. I just left a bar-b-q that was hosted by the FRG (family readiness group). There weren't very many people there, but we had a good time anyway. I enjoy every opportunity to get to know other army wives. Now it is raining outside, which is nice for west Texas. I need to clean, but will probably just watch TV for the rest of the evening and procrastinate the cleaning until tomorrow, since I don't have to work!
I talked to Aaron this morning. I'm always in such a good mood after I talk to him! I love him and miss him, but am so proud of him!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'm starting this blog for therapy. I had a blog before, but didn't keep up with it because I thought no one was reading it. But now, I am writing this blog for me. Don't get me wrong, you are still welcome to read it, but I'm not going to base my postings on how many people actually read it. My plan is to keep posting throughout this next year while my fiance is deployed to Iraq. I'm trying to be optimistic and hope that this year goes by fast, but I miss him so much! This blog will consist of my random thoughts and pictures of events that are happening in my life. So welcome to my life, while I am waiting to become a Hall.